Wednesday, July 29, 2009


God is good. . .all the time!! I had my weekly sonogram this morning, and we got some great news. My cervix has actually lengthened back out to 25mm, so it looks like I am going home!! I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am!

I got a HUGE lecture from my perinatologist. He wants me on bedrest until 36 weeks and I can basically go to the bathroom, take a shower and go to the sofa. Anything that has me on my feet for more than 3 to 5 minutes (other than a shower) is out of the question and once I get to a spot (like the sofa), I have to stay there for several hours. . .I can't be going back and forth. Those are definitely sacrifices I am willing to make in order to go home. My doctor is actually not here today, but my awesome nurse Lauren is going to try and get the doctor on call to release me today!

Cooper is doing so amazingly well and I just want to cry every time I see his precious little face. He had the hiccups this morning which was so cute and was trying his hardest to get his foot up to his face. He now weighs 5 pounds 7 ounces. . .and I still have 8 weeks to go!! I just laugh whenever the sono techs look at him and look at me because I know what is going through their minds. . .there is no way she is getting a 10 pound baby out of that body!!

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. We are so grateful for what everyone has done for us!

Much love,

Sean, Laurie, Kaleigh, Meghan and Baby Cooper

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