Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday, July 20th

Whew. . .sorry this post is getting up much later than usual, but yesterday was a very busy day, and I am paying the price today!

I had some wonderful visits yesterday and I am so thankful to all of you who came by. My sweet neighbors came to visit, then my precious friends came and brought my baby shower to me in my hospital room (complete with AWESOME cupcakes). Next, my sister and nephews came by. . .that was fun. My youngest nephew, Drew, kept saying "I can't believe that big bump is a baby in your belly". I kept thinking to myself, "I'm glad it's a baby, or we'd have much bigger issues". All I can say is thank goodness I have Disney Channel in my room, or it may have gotten ugly. Finally, my sweet friend Jennifer came by (in tow with a Sonic Diet Coke with Lime). I cherished every second of my visits but after six hours straight, I was WIPED out!

Last night was a pretty quiet night and Cooper did pretty well. We fell asleep around 11:00 after our nightly love fest with Ambien and straight through the night. This morning's monitoring went pretty well. . .only about 4 contractions.

Sean had to go to a client site close to the hospital today, so he came by at lunch to see me. His timing was perfect. . .shortly after he got here, my doctor came by to review my monitoring strips from the weekend and visit with us. . .and he actually mentioned the "H" word. . .HOME! Right now, basically two things have to happen before he will even consider sending me home: 1) The result of my sonogram on Wednesday needs to be good and 2) I need to start having some consistent "good days". Right now, my contractions are too erratic and he is concerned that if he sends me home, I will end up right back in the hospital in a short amount of time. So, we are just looking to see what Wednesday will bring us, and then go from there. He also said that if I do get to go home, I will be on strict bed rest and he has to be confident that I will behave. I told him that I would behave, but I'm not sure if he was too convinced (he is a very smart man).

The girls are coming home this evening from Grandma's and they've had a wonderful time. They got pedicures and manicures, went shopping, and basically got spoiled rotten. . .but isn't that what grandma's are for?? I can't wait to see them tonight and apparently they've been working hard on lots of pictures to decorate my hospital room!

Thank you for all your love, support and prayers. I know that God has me, Cooper and the rest of our family tightly in His grasp.


Sean, Laurie, Kaleigh, Meghan and Cooper

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