Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today marks two weeks since I was admitted to the hospital, and we are all still standing (well, except for me who doesn't get to stand too much). In one respect, it has seemed like an eternity. However, in another respect, it's hard to believe that I've been here for two weeks. It's amazing how staring at the same four walls 24 hours a day will mess with your mind!

Sean and the girls are doing well and I count the minutes every day until they come and see me. Kaleigh broke down for the first time last night when they had to leave which KILLED me. I think she's been holding it in, and last night she just hit her breaking point.

We received some news yesterday and we are remaining cautiously optimistic. My doctor is pleased with how my monitoring has gone the past few days. I'm still having pretty intense contractions, but they are spreading out which is good. He said that IF my sonogram tomorrow shows that there has not been significant change in my cervix and if my monitoring stays stable over the next few days, he will consider sending me home at the end of the week!! YEA!! I will still be on medication every six hours and strict bedrest at home (only able to go to the bathroom and take a shower), but I would MUCH rather be on bedrest at home so I can at least be with my family.

Sean's mom gets here this evening which we are SO excited about. She will be here for about two and a half weeks which will get me to week 34. At week 34, they will not stop my contractions and all bets are off. The fact that she is going to be here to take care of everything at our house may clench the deal for me to go home this week. I think my doctor will feel much more comfortable releasing me knowing that somebody is at home with me all the time.

We also find out tomorrow how big Cooper is. . .and we are expecting some big numbers. My belly has gotten significantly larger over the past two weeks (which my husband has no problem commenting on), and my doctor says it's all baby. We suspect that he is currently pushing 5 pounds with 8 more weeks to go! I'm pretty sure that a c-section is in my future if I make it remotely close to 40 weeks!

I saw the funniest thing the other day when I was looking on the internet for diaper bags that I just have to share. I was on a website and looking at their list of baby necessities. On their list. . .I kid you not. . .was a Baby Instruction Manual!! SERIOUSLY?? I had no idea they came with instruction manuals!! Apparently they sell for only $11.99!! That just made me crack up when I saw it!

Thank you for all of your continued support and prayers. My sonogram will be between 8:00 and 9:00 tomorrow morning, so extra prayers during that time would be greatly appreciated.

Much love,

Laurie, Sean, Kaleigh, Meghan and Super Cooper

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