Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's D Day!

Well, I guess it's actually "S" Day for sonogram day. I should hopefully be heading over for my sonogram within the next couple of hours to see how much "damage" I have done over the past week. I am trying to remain optimistic that things have not changed too much and that MAYBE my doctor will consider sending me home. Negative Nelly (that would be my husband) doesn't think there is any remote possibility of that happening, but I am remaining optimistic. I know he is just worried about getting me home and then having to turn around and bring me right back up to the hospital. . .but what would our lives be without some excitement!

Yesterday was my one week anniversary in the hospital. I enjoyed getting some rest and making use of some quiet time. My anniversary was complete with a beautiful plant from my friend Kelly and her girls and a HUGE piece of yummy chocolate cake that came with my lunch. I do have to say that one of my daily highlights is seeing what yummy dessert I am going to get with my meals. . .sad, I know.

The girls spent the day with our friend Amy, her husband Kevin and their daughter Anna. They had a BLAST swimming and playing and Meghan was very adamant about informing me that the turtle they were playing with in the pool was not a REAL turtle! I am glad that she reassured me, because I don't know if I would have been able to sleep otherwise. . .LOL! Today they are heading to Wacky Wednesday with Ms. Lezlie, going to play with Tyler and Parker at Ms. Courtney's and then will be heading back into town this evening with Ms. Teri. I don't know what we would do without our amazing friends helping us get through each day. I know for sure that the girls are having MUCH more fun right now than they would be if I were home and NOT pregnant. While I know they miss me, they having a blast and I think that's providing the distraction that they need right now.

Sean's mom should be here sometime around next Wednesday or Thursday. Unfortunately, my timing of landing myself in the hospital happened to coincide with Sean's parent's trip to bring his grandmother's ashes to Wisconsin. After they get back, she will be turning around and heading out here. Regardless if I am home or not. . .every son needs his mother (I don't think they ever outgrow that) and I know that Sean will feel a huge sense of relief when she is here.

That is the latest and greatest and I promise that as soon as we know something from the sonogram, I will let everyone know! Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Much love,

Sean, Laurie, Kaleigh, Meghan and Baby Cooper

1 comment:

  1. Humph! I am not "Negative Nelly"....I would prefer the term "Realistic Roger".
